Tommy Car Wash Systems Blog

Energy Tax Credits & Incentives for Car Wash Businesses

Written by TCWS | Jun 5, 2015 4:00:00 AM

With droughts, energy rationing, and strict local codes in many areas, a green facility can be a major asset during planning and negotiation processes, or simply when paying your utility bill. On the flip side, more and more US federal and state legislative agreements have opened tax breaks to industries and businesses like car washes for water reclamation, renewable energy use, emissions control, recycling, and more.

At Tommy Car Wash we’ve worked hard to create new car wash building designs, car wash retrofit services, and automatic car wash equipment that maximize efficiency—saving you money on every wash. And if you’ve been on the fence about updating your facility, lowering its energy footprint and operations cost, these tax credits make now the perfect time to pull the trigger—especially with current low loan rates.

For new buildings, clean and renewable construction and energy is a smart option—and one that can be a major selling point with city councils and inspectors. You can also expect some nice tax breaks from the IRS from the get go. For older buildings, green investments like bay windows and a clear roof (our specialty, great for natural light), water reclamation, equipment fine tuning, and biodegradable car wash products can give second life to your wash and bring over fresh consumers interested in seeing what you now have to offer.

Car wash businesses looking to reduce energy usage should look at retrofitting the following equipment items, especially if this equipment is aging or has lost significant energy efficiency over its lifespan:

  • Sensor and control systems
  • Water heaters
  • Lighting systems
  • Heat pumps
  • Chillers

A few of the most common types of green energy which qualify for energy tax credits include:

  • Renewable fuels and biofuels
  • Solar water heating
  • Solar thermal process heating
  • Solar power generation
  • Wind energy and rooftop mini-turbines
  • Fuel cell installation

We’ve created a location-based energy tax credit resource for car wash owners looking to cut costs and embrace green technology. Browse for commercial government incentives for renewable energies and energy efficiency by state to find which energy tax credits your car wash business could benefit from.

If you have any questions about building a new, energy efficient Tommy Car Wash facility or you want to learn how to retrofit your car wash business to qualify for energy tax credits and government incentives, our sales team would be happy to help. Just shoot us an email at or call (616) 494-0411

Tommy Car Wash Systems